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Ask about Otoplasty (ear-shaping)


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Summary of Otoplasty

Non-surgical & Surgical

0.5 - 1 hrs

Local (>18 yrs)

General (<18 yrs)

week - Follow up

Five days - Normal activities

6months - final results


Reducing the prominent ear without visible wounds - Bend and reshape the cartilages like normal - Removing excess skin behind the ear

satisfied  with the results

- Any age after the age of 8 years

- There is real prominence in the ear that does not match with your other facia features

- It causes you problems in dealing with others or is being harassed

- You must commit to wearing the headband for three months to confirm the results.


Even if the problem is with one ear, the operation is usually performed on both ears to achieve the best balance of shape.


Most of patients want to improve their appearance without attraction to the fact that they underwent a "plastic surgery" and this is our primary goal.

Best Candidates for ear surgery or Otoplasty

How can you determine the aesthetic measures of your ear?

Non-Surgical Otoplasty

Benders®, Threads®, Fida needle, and Plasters

With local anesthesia, within half an hour


Without a wound behind the ear, three points, 2 millimeters, are made to insert the sutures


Constant strands that will not dissolve over time are used to stabilize and form the cartilage to the new shape and position


You can go about your normal life within an hour after the procedure and the cost is much lower than with surgeries. However, it is suitable for some cases if the cartilage is very flexible and stretched, and if the excess skin behind the ear is small and does not need to be removed. In addition, recurrence rate is high especially if the cartilage is inflexible and therefore needs to be revised surgically.

Surgical Otoplasty

The procedure takes about an hour and a half and the anesthesia used usually depends on the patient's age.


Less than 18 years of age are performed with general anesthesia


Over 18 years old, local anesthesia can be used


Through a longitudinal wound behind the ear (hidden)


- Removing excess skin

- Or the cartilage is carved and folded back toward the head

- Or remove excess parts of the cartilage.


Then unabsorbable threads are used that do not dissolve over time to stabilize and form the cartilage of the new shape and position.


The posterior incision is then closed with surgical sutures that either dissolve or are removed within a week of the procedure.

What do you expect during the recovery period after ear plastic surgery?


- The patient may feel some pain in the ear on the first day, which is normal and reduces painkillers.

- Also, some swelling or bruising and redness may occur, which is normal and will disappear over time.

- You can sleep on either side without affecting the operation and not take off the bandage.

- The headband is important and lasts for three months, and after its removal, the ear takes on the natural shape.

- You can take shower after the first follow up visit after five days, but without pulling the ear out.

- The rate of recovery varies from person to person, but following medical instructions makes this process easier and leads you to its success.

- To maintain lasting results, you must avoid pulling the ear out.

- In most cases, ear surgery will leave a scar on the back of the ear, but it is not visible.


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