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Ask about scar management

Types of acne scarring and treatment methods


1- Ice pick scars

Small pits in the skin, a bit like the marks an ice pick makes in cutting ice.

When the body does not produce enough collagen after a wound or infection.

This type of acne scar is the most difficult to treat and treat acne marks.


Treatment in this type:

Fill it with collagen either naturally or artificially.


A surgery in which an area of the skin is cut out from behind the ear and the scars are filled in, then the surface of the skin is flattened with a laser treatment that helps the skin to restore its homogeneous texture and appearance.



2- Boxcar scars

Deep pits in the epidermis, somewhat similar to the previous type, but more extensive.

The body does not produce enough collagen while skin is recovering from acne.


Treatment in this type:

Sessions of chemical peels and laser techniques to stimulate the skin to manufacture collagen below the surface of the skin.


It is also possible in some cases to fill in these scars by injecting them with special materials.




3- Rolling scars

Its edges are blunt, like plateaus and valleys as they rise and fall on the surface of the skin.


Treatment in this type:

Injecting it with a micro-lipid followed by a prick treatment of blood plasma.



4- Keloid scars

It is red, especially in people with light skin, but in people with darker skin, this type of scarring is more pink.

It results from active stigmata. It may cause permanent pigmentation, especially for people with dark skin.


Treatment in this type:

By injecting them with certain substances, such as steroids, or by using laser treatments that target the blood vessels under the scars.



5- Pigmentation Scars (Hyperpigmentation)

Dark colored spots and pigments, usually caused by skin infections associated with acne.


Treatment in this type:

Special creams that reduce the severity of pigmentation, such as sunscreen and hydroquinone cream, which is considered a lightening cream.

Prevention by avoiding exposure to the sun as much as possible and not neglecting sunscreen, because the sun may make matters worse if pigmented skin is exposed to it.



6- Combination scars

The effects of acne are varied and mixed and not of one type, but a group of these types in the same skin and in the same person.


Treatment in this type:

In this case, doctors resort to combining various treatments, and it may take approximately two years for the patient to notice an improvement in the result of this type of acne treatment with an improvement rate of approximately 50%.



Prevention before treating acne scars


When it comes to preventing any possible effects that currently active acne may leave on your skin, by following simple steps you can reduce the chances of permanent scars on your face, if you do the following:


- consult a doctor to provide you with treatment solutions, and start that in the early stages of acne.


- Never mess with acne and try to avoid touching your skin as much as possible.


- Keep your skin clean and use the products that are appropriate for your skin nature.



Important information after treating acne scars:


Do not expect complete results: Whatever the type of treatment and the nature of the scars you have, you should not expect them to disappear completely after the treatment, but the treatment will certainly improve their appearance, to varying degrees.


Results vary from person to person depending on: the doctor who is conducting the treatment for you, his experience, the nature of your skin and your skin, and his ability to respond.



Types of scars


Keloid scar:

As it is characterized by being larger than the size of the wound responsible for it, as a result of the growth of the surrounding tissue of the wound more.


contracted scar:

It is characterized by shrinking of the skin around it, and it usually forms as a result of a burn injury.


Scar pigment:

It is characterized by its dark color compared to the color of the surrounding skin.


Acne scars:

As it is considered one of the scars resulting from acne, which leave a trace after it.



Treating scars with modern techniques


Surgical excision:

It is considered an important step for large scars, their surface is irregular, or in cases of active scars or keloid. It can be done in one or several stages, and tissue stretchers can be used as an aid.


Filler injection:

It is a technique used to fill in the voids in the skin, by using fillers, a substance that is injected into the areas to be treated, and is usually used to treat scars caused by acne.



It is one of the easy techniques that are used to treat medium-depth and dark scars, because it stimulates the cells to produce collagen.


Chemical peeling:

And by using chemicals to peel the surface layer of the skin, which contributes to getting rid of the deep and superficial scars on the face.



As a final step to fine-tune the results of any of the previous methods, it can be used as a patch or gel and lasts for at least six months to get the best results, and among the most important products are Spectrajel, kemagel and others. It can also be used to prevent active scarring after surgery



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